

Design Enterprise is a level 3 option module offered to all design students at Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art & Design, University of Dundee. It aims to introduce students to enterprise culture and terminology and to place the practice of design within a business context.

Design Enterprise is a 30 credit module, and therefore requires you to dedicate half of your study time this semester to it.

Our emphasis is on developing the knowledge and skills required to understand the business of design and to define an entrepreneurial vision for your own practice. This website provides all necessary information for students, including links to further reading, videos, podcasts and other course materials. Select from the tabs at the top of this page to explore the content and timetable, assessment requirements, and further links and reading. The resources blog above is a continually updated source of links and further reading on the issues tackled in this module.

The module is delivered by a team of specialists with considerable and diverse experience in the business of design. Claire Adholla is leading the module this year and draws on experience as a freelancer; in the area of fashion, textiles and materials, and current business owner.

So here is the deal. We bring in some inspiring and brilliant speakers, use the latest proven tools in developing enterprise skills and knowledge – and you turn up and engage as fully as you can and set your ambitions high. Past students did their research for Assignment 1 in London, Manchester, Glasgow, Newcastle, the Isle of Skye and Dundee. Not sure what to expect? Here’s what some past students made of it:










You will be expected to use social media in a professional and focused way as part of this module. Indeed part of Assessment 2 will provide evidence on how you have done this. If your programme has not provided you with a grounding in this, then you will find access to online tutorials in the resources section of this module website.

This year the hashtag for the module is #desent17 – take a look on Twitter at #desent16 for insights into last year’s module.

So, this website gives you all the details you need to successfully pursue the module. There are two assignments required of you. Details of this can be found from the links at the top of the screen where you will also find the formal module guide. We want you to read and talk to people in this module. So reading list provides details of what we suggest you read (and watch). Resources is the blog section of this website. We post details of speakers, events and resources here, so you need to monitor it or its RSS feed. Finally up there you’ll find the timetable. The bottom line is that 13.00-15.00 every Friday you have a lecture, while the rest of Friday and Wednesday morning you are expected to be working on this module. From around half way through the module you will also have workshops on a Friday morning. When you select items on the calendar then it will provide additional details on the event, speaker and venue. If you use Google for your personal time management then you can easily subscribe to this calendar.

As Lauren Currie said to this module’s students last year everyone is making it up as they go along, but with Design Enterprise we do at least have the semblance of a plan to guide us.

This was Rebecca Smith’s overview of the #desent15 experience.



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